Friday, September 7, 2012

Venice- Part 1

Venice will forever be the city I remember the most in this trip although the intense humidity was pretty noticeable.  We took a boat into Venice where we had free time in the evening.  Many in our group wanted to have a gondola ride through the canals of Venice.  Most are for groups of six but Robert and I decided to have a boat to ourselves.  As we weaved our way to the grand canal in the black gondola I told Robert how wonderful this was… his reply was I know of one thing that would make it better- “if you would be my wife!”.  Nodding my head as words escaped me at that moment I happily said yes to my soulmate.  And for all the ladies “he done good” on the ring!  As we pulled up to the exit point we were surrounded with congratulations as it became know that it was official- Robert and I are engaged!  To say I may have had a smile on my face was an understatement.  My grandparents then took us to dinner to celebrate before the long boat ride/walk to our hotel. 
A Gondola ride in Venice is pretty much the perfect spot for a proposal as well as a way to make this trip the most memorable ever.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! I am so happy for you guys!
