Friday, September 7, 2012

Florence (Firenze)- Part 1

Firenze (or as we have always know it Florence)
Other than its art history, Florence is a city known for its gold and leather so after looking at the very amazing historical sites and learned about the history of their two main crafts. The first night we arrived there was only time for a very late dinner at the hotel.  The next morning we had a local guide, Constansa, take us around the city she loves.  This was a much more evenly paced walk… the most impactful things we saw were The Duomo which has a tall bell tour with 414 steps and a very famous dome which is still used today in structural buildings for the perfect dimensions of a dome that is self supporting these dimensions were used later for places like the Vatican and St Peters Basilica. The second main site we visited was the Basilica di Santa Croce (Holy Cross Church).  This is an ancient Franciscan church made famous by the tombs of the most famous Florentines: Michelangelo, Dante, and Galileo.  Amazing that these three people, along with many others, share this location as their final resting place.  In Florence are other amazing sites such as the Birth of Venus painting and the original Statue and replica statue of David, on the tour we only had a chance to see the replica statue of David which is a perfect replica, and in the original location, as the original needed to be moved to be protected from the elements a bit more over time.  In the afternoon we left for Pisa and the Tuscan country side before returning to Florence to stay the night. 

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