Thursday, September 13, 2012

Sorrento- Part 2

Before we left Sorrento and headed back to Rome, Robert and i decided to eat out for breakfast and walked down to a local coffee shop for some pastry's and coffee.  Evidently we landed in a local hot spot as people flooded in and out having their espresso at the counter.  After breakfast the American group i was in said our goodbyes to our new friends from Canada as they would be making their way to eithe the Amalfi Coast for a few days on the beach or a tour of Sicily with a new guide depending on their next choice in destination.

Rebecca would have been proud I got our group loaded on the transport bus in a timely fashion that would take us back to Rome, and even counted everyone off to make sure all were accounted for.  I think everyone knew the trip was coming to a close as it was a very quite few hours back to Rome with most sleeping or reading other than our stop at one of the Autogrills (kind of like a giant truck stops along Italy highways) to stretch our legs and get snacks.

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