Thursday, September 13, 2012

Sorrento Part 1

I am now home in Boise but with some connection problems i still need to catch everyone up on the last few days of our Trip.  After our walking tour of the ancient city of Pompeii we drove on to our hotel in downtown Sorrento- Hotel Michelangelo.  As we arrived with a few hours to go before dinner the group was quite excited to finally have time and a place to go swimming at in the hotel pool- so within minutes of getting the keys to our room we were in the pool... the freezing cold pool but after the many warm days we had had the water temperature was fine by us.

Dinner that night was in the hotel and we had free time after so chose to walk downtown to checkout the famous nightlife of Sorrento... for the evenings is when Sorrento gets dolled up and hits the streets.  We toured nice stores for clothing, scarfs and wares that showed off what Sorrento is know for- their lemons!  Our "stroll" down the streets was filled with many stops so we never made it to the park we were originally headed for.. but seeing Judy's reaction to the various mimes on one of the streets was quite comical.  I think she even had to touch a few to see if they were real!  We topped off our evening by gathering on the 5th floor roof terrace and drinking some wine we had bought in San Marino (the bottles that were over our allowable 2 to bring back per person that is).

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