Friday, September 14, 2012

Amalfi Coast- Tell us about it

For our Canadian friends since we weren't with you for the rest of your trip in Italy- please feel free to comment and tell us about the rest of your trip.

Favorite Moments

Our favorite moments....

Stacy Puckett (me)
Boise, ID, US
A certain gondola ride in Venice where my soul mate Robert proposed to me is obviously at the top of my list of favorite moments!  I also loved the Trevi Fountain in the rain our first night in Rome, the simplistic beauty of the pantheon, the party atmosphere of wine tasting on my mom’s birthday while in Tuscany and the views and quietness of San Marino and its castle towers.  Overall I got to live out a dream of traveling through Italy with the man I love and an amazing collection of family and friends (new and old).  So “Salute” to Dreams coming true!
Stacy & Robert

Robert Boulier
Boise, ID, US

Favorite Moments would include:
* Proposing to my soulmate in Venice
* Enjoying the views in San Marino
* 414 Steps in Florence up the Bell Tower
* Boat ride around Capri
* Making new friends from north of the boarder
* Tuscan dinner & wine, great B-day for Kristi and Judy getting a lesson on dipping the biscotti
* Seeing Vatican City & Rome, walking through history
* Last dinner with new family and friends in Rome

Kristi Puckett
La Grande, OR, US
There are some very special moments that were particularly memorable to me- but very hard to choose.  My birthday dinner at the Tuscan vineyard was really special- celebrating with family and friends.  Another was the night in San Marino on the terrace drinking in the view as well as good wine with wonderful family and friends.   The boat ride around Capri was fantastic and enjoyed by all of us.  I found the beautiful colors of the ocean were amazing – as well as dipping my toes it the warm Mediterranean.  I have to say the most special moment is when Robert proposed to Stacy- we are excited to welcome Robert into our fun and crazy family

Judy Puckett
Boise, ID, US

I know we all enjoyed the history of all the various places we went in Italy, but it was our free time together I ultimately enjoyed the most. The first gathering of the Canadians and the Americans which made us group of 30.  We thought the Canadians would be the quiet reserve group and I believe they thought we would be the crazy Americans. However, by day two, we both were crazy Americans and crazy Canadians who became a cohesive group and laughed together for the remained of the trip.  The 30 of us became friends for at least the 10 days together and who knows one day we shall meet some of them again.

Siena and Florence hold a special place in my heart, not only for all the the wonderful history it holds and our free time together.  On the second morning in Florence Stacy and I sat outside a cafe' drinking Americana coffee while Shirley, Robert and Kristi climbed the Bell Tower. I know I enjoyed the dinner and wine tasking in Chianti outside Florence. I can only remember the the tour of the vineyard, the toast to my sister-in-law as it was her birthday and the first few glasses of wine and wonderful pasta. Unfortunately I am saddened by the fact after that I remember nothing more and lost out on the celebrating and dancing of the night; however, Stacy has pictures showing that I enjoyed the evening far more than I imagined with way too much wine.

Although I would not go back to Venice it was a highlight in the fact that Stacy and Robert became engaged on the gondola right down the aromatic canal and whereby Mother said "I feel like I am in a dream".  After a morning of touring Venice, Shirley, Kristi and I sat outside a cafe' drinking a bottle of white wine, eating an amazing fish stew and pizza whereby we could view the ferries arriving and the other islands in the distance.

There are no words to describe San Marino whereby only one vehicle could go up the winding mountain at a time and whereby we stayed at a quaint hotel at the top and actually had time to "stroll" the streets which was the first time I believe we could actually use the word stroll. The is the place my Father said "this is the Italy I was waiting to see". We each could look out our windows at the panoramic view of the mountains and city below. I loved the time we spent on the balcony after dinner, enjoying wine and the events of the day with all the Americans whereby we tried to take it all in by drinking wine, talking and laughing. It does not get better than that.

Then came Sorrento and the Island of Capri as they were each so different that were we had been and we could all feel ourselves slowing the pace. I have to say Sorrento took by heart! The first night there we were again able to stroll the streets and day two in Sorrento we ferried to the Island of Capri for a walking tour and a majestic boat ride around the island. The water was a a deep aqua with orange around the edges as we entered into the caves. Truly indescribable. We left the Canadians the next morning at Sorrento as most of them were off to Amalfi to recuperate.

Stacy became the tour guide back to Rome as we were on our own. We stayed at the same hotel we originated. Shirley, Kris, the folks and myself playing pinochle and enjoying two great bottles of wine. We ended the night with all the Americans going out together for dinner and toasted our trip and saying goodbye to the three that were going on to California.

My true joy was that a portion of my family made a trip together that we never thought would happen and although we can try to share those memories with others they are only memories we can hold in our hearts for the remainder of our lives. We know we are all truly blessed we made this journey together.

Ronald Puckett
Cove, OR, US

Seeing the Colosseum and San Marino with all the houses stacked up.  I enjoyed touring the ancient city of Pompaii.  Grandpa didn't say this but I imagine meeting all his new smoking buddies was something he enjoyed as well.

Bette Puckett
Cove, OR, US

This trip was like a dream to me.  So many things were favorite moments for me including: San Marino, St Peters Cathedral, Sorrento, and Capri.  The night we were at the wine tasting in Tuscany during Kristi's birthday was particularly memorable.  I also enjoyed the restaurant where we enjoyed an opera singer and an accordion player.  Of course Venice and our family's special occasion with Robert & Stacy's engagement holds a special place in my heart.   This trip was a very special memory for our family that we will always have of our time in Italy.

Thanks to all who made this trip special- we had such a nice group of people!

Shirley Roberts
La Grande, OR, US

So many, Italy in general, then came Florence (414 steps in the bell tower), Kristi’s birthday at the vineyard, Robert’s & Stacy’s engagement in Venice; San Marino (lovely hilltop town), Pompeii (ancient city); Sorrento (a place to return to) and finally Capri and swimming in the Mediterranean, ohhh what a trip!

Sue Venutolo
La Grande, OR, US

Sitting on the hotel terrace in San Marino drinking wine with our family & friends… enjoying the beautiful view.  Navigating Venice ;-), Tuscan wine tasting and really getting to know the Canadian travelers on our tour
Ken & Sue

Ken Venutolo
La Grande, OR, US
While waiting for Linda, Kristi yells out “”There She Is!” Because it would be terrible to be left behind!

Jade Venutolo
La Grande, OR, US
Getting my cheesy tourist t-shirt of course.  Dancing at the Tuscan wine tasting and swimming in the ocean on Capri

Cheryl Venutolo
La Grande, OR, US
Best moment of the trip in Amsterdam when I saw Alex (first time I had seen him in a year and we meet here!)  Also Capri- I want to move there!!!

Derek Venutolo
Long Beach, California, US
Boat trip around Capri

Kristin & Derek
Kristin Venutolo
Long Beach, California, US
Tuscan wine dinner

Joseph “Alex” Venutolo
Los Angeles California/ La Grande Oregon, US
City tour of Florence and seeing the statues in the square

Linda Greenaway
Pr. George, BC CANADA
Swimming in the warm salt water on the coast of Capri, I mean “the edge of heaven!”

Guido & Maria Papiccio
Woodbridge, ONT Canada
We had a wonderful time with nice people.  We liked all the cities that we visited.  Enjoyed the company of the Americans.

Chris & Brooke Acton
Being with a great tour group

Donald Weir
Pickering, CANADA
Sept 8th (Assisi)

David & Ivy Callaghan
Burlington, Ontario Canada
Arriving in Rome on our 40th Wedding Anniversary

Peter & Kathy Ingram
Guelph, Ontario Canada
Sitting in the famous piazza in Sienna drinking delicious cappuccino, enjoying the view and the experience
Kathy & Peter (on right)

Ted & Terry Laxton
Guelph, Ontario, Canada
Walking amidst the artistic monuments which are a testament to the beauty and goodness of the human spirit

Linda-Anne Greenway
Belleville, Ontario, Canada
Gondola ride and dinner on the grand canal in Venice and exploring Firenze!

Ross & Mary Puma
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Wine and gondola ride

Woodbridge, ONT, Canada
Wine & cheese evening at the vineyard… favorite saying “Living the dream”

Rebecca Pullan (tour director)
Naples, Italy
Seeing you all dancing at the Tuscan farmhouse

Sorry Rebecca- just loved this pict

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Traveling Home

Starting the almost 30 hour trip home we began by heading to the airport before 4 am, with a flight at 6:20.  We got our tickets and got in a pretty long line for baggage claim.  The line was slow moving with one particular passenger having about 9 bags that needed to be repacked and didn't speak English or Italian it seemed.  She managed to tie up about 3 out of 4 of the attendants at any given moment.  Luckily Italian airport security lines are much more relaxed than in the US and we moved quickly though it.

Like all of our flights our group tended to switch around seats.  On the first flight my mom switched with Robert so we could sit together and long and behold my mom ended up sitting by the "bag lady".  Robert turned around and told her he owed her a coffee.. little did we know he probably owed her a steak dinner as she had a "interesting" flight.  The lady we later found out was headed for Peru, made an impression on my mom starting when she pointed and demanded my mom's cookie she was given by the stewardess for her "bambinos" then proceeded to take it.  Later in the flight my mom watched as she swiped a pop off the cart meanwhile asking for a 2nd pop from the stewardess (i.e. really here 3rd)... later came the breakfast sandwiches which she repeated the action swiping one off the cart and getting 2 from the stewardess.

We arrived in Amsterdam after the first leg of our flight for a four hour layover which I picked up some tulip bulbs to plant.  We had to be at our gate for checkin about 1.5 hours early as it was an international flight.  The 9+ hour flight acutally went by pretty quickly and most in our group stayed awake watching movies the entire flight.  I read some and managed to watch 3 movies.

When we arrived in Minneapolis our 6 hour layover went by quickly as well for going through customs took awhile and then we had to grab some dinner before our late night flight.  I was glad to finally be able to use my phone after a week and a half break.  Our group started to show signs of fatigue right before our last flight to Boise so it was no surprise most tried to sleep on the last flight.  We got home around midnight last night and 7 of us made our way to my house to crash for the night. It felt great to sleep in my own bed last night (our mattress is quite a bit softer than those in Italy) and to see our puppy dogs and cat.  

Shirley, Mom, Grandma and Grandpa left by 8 am this morning for their drive to Oregon while Robert and i started in on unpacking and laundry.

I will have a few more posts now that i have time to add more photos.  I also have the favorite moments from all the passengers and our tour director from our trip to share.. so look for more posts soon.

Great vacation and also glad to be home!

Last night in Rome

When we arrived in Rome we headed back to the hotel we had stayed our first night of the trip, the Donna Laura Palace to check in for our final night in Italy.  We then had the afternoon and evening free so as some relaxed in the hotel others went to explore the Colosseum or other places they missed on our earlier trips.  But we all met back at the hotel to go to dinner together at a place Derek & Kristin had heard of, 'Gusto's.  When the taxi's came we found out there were actually similarly name restaurants and we went to the right one but may have made the reservations at the other.  Luckily Italians eat very late and we beat the evening rush.

Dinner was wonderful, although i must admit i was needing a break from pasta so i had a perfectly cooked filet mignon.  After desert a few headed back to the hotel while the rest of us took a taxi to Rome's Hard Rock Cafe to collect a few last minutes souvenirs and have a cocktail.

This was to be a short night's sleep for us as the ones heading back to Boise had to be up around 3am and we were picked up for transportation to the airport by 3:50 am.  

This was a amazing trip and i think we are all still impressed at how much we saw and did in 10 days.... unbelievable!!!!

Sorrento- Part 2

Before we left Sorrento and headed back to Rome, Robert and i decided to eat out for breakfast and walked down to a local coffee shop for some pastry's and coffee.  Evidently we landed in a local hot spot as people flooded in and out having their espresso at the counter.  After breakfast the American group i was in said our goodbyes to our new friends from Canada as they would be making their way to eithe the Amalfi Coast for a few days on the beach or a tour of Sicily with a new guide depending on their next choice in destination.

Rebecca would have been proud I got our group loaded on the transport bus in a timely fashion that would take us back to Rome, and even counted everyone off to make sure all were accounted for.  I think everyone knew the trip was coming to a close as it was a very quite few hours back to Rome with most sleeping or reading other than our stop at one of the Autogrills (kind of like a giant truck stops along Italy highways) to stretch our legs and get snacks.


After breakfast in our Sorrento hotel, our group packed into a local transport bus as we no longer had Alesandro as our bus driver as the group would be breaking into different groups for either trips home or onto an extended trip locations.   The bus took us down to the harbor where we boarded a hydrofoil boat which zipped us over to the island of Capri in the Mediterranean sea.  Before boarding the boat though we had to say our goodbyes to Rebecca for she was headed home to Naples after she turned us over to another day guide, Mario.  Mario showed us around the key points of interest of the absolutely beautiful island of Capri and while we didn't have time to go clear to the top of the mountain on the island we did tour around and eat lunch a good way up the mountain with spectatular views of the ocean and town.  Lunch on Capri was one of Robert's favorite meals on the trip... i believe he and a few others even had 3rds.

This trip also had the optional package of taking a boat around the island to see the island from a different vantage point- and by lunch all of our group decided to make the trip so Mario and a local boat driver took us around the island to view their magnificent teal blue water including a few caves/caverns around the island while they told us more about the local history of the island.  For many in our group this was one of their favorite places to visit- esp as we had about 45 min of free time to swim in the sea of the Mediterranean with its warm salt water where you could float around at ease.  We probably would have stayed in the water all day if we had a chance.  Unfortunately for Robert we did learn that prescription sun glasses do not float well and someday some other tourist may find them.

Mario took us back to the hydrofoils after and we zipped along back to Sorrento.  What a great day!