Sunday, August 26, 2012

Count Down to Italy

Our trip to Italy is just around the corner and I am so ready to go!  We leave next Saturday at 5:35am on the first leg of our journey to Italy via Minneapolis and Amsterdam to reach our first destination of Rome.  I have had my clothes packed for over a week already and finally couldn't take Robert not being packed so packed for him this weekend... i am a lucky girl and he didn't seem to mind.  My aunt Judy and i are all about the preparation, gotta look good on vacation- hence I got my hair done yesterday and love the new A-line cut.

This trip has been a dream for years of mine... and two years in the making in planning.  I started planning this trip with my mom, aunt, grandparents and a few of my mom's friends two years ago.  Meeting my soul-mate Robert 14 months ago and having him come too only makes this trip all that more special.  

To get ready for the trip we have poured over travel guides (National Geographic is our favorite), watched any movie we own with Italy references (Angels & Demons, When in Rome, Italian Job and Best of Europe- Italy).  Had great intentions to learn basic Italian through Rosetta Stone before the trip but slacked off a bit so apps on our phone will have to do if needed. Hopefully the following will get me though: Ciao (hello), Arrivederci (goodbye), grazie (thank you), Parli Inglese? (do you speak English), mi scusi, dov e il bagno? (where is the restroom) and some basic counting.

Hoping to blog the trip as we go as there will be so many memories i want to remember forever and need someplace for the thousands of pictures i am sure to take to be showcased.  So Ciao Italy, Arrivederci Boise (for at least a few weeks).

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